Curious what you've missed by not being a subscriber until now? You're in luck! Below are all of the unique newsletters I've sent out to date. 



Thank you for signing up for my newsletter!

By joining, you'll be among the first to know about sales, new books, and new blog posts. I won't ever spam you, so don't expect more than a few emails a month. I also won't ever sell your email address and neither will Mail Chimp, my newsletter service. 

Thanks again for signing up. I look forward to your comments and input. You can also email me directly at


Hey, everyone! I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you all know that there's a new blog up on my website. I decided to write a short story to explain why Hope's parents and Taniya's mother are dead. Enjoy! Don't forget to like, comment, and share.


Wondering what to get that someone in your life who can't put down their e-reader? How about a copy of Our Only Hope? It's on sale now on Kindle and Nook! 

Just in time for the holidays, I've put my first novel on sale for only 99 cents. Grab a digital copy for yourself, or those you love who love to read.

I've also got an update on book #2 in the Hope Trilogy. I'm moving up in the editing queue with my publisher. Barring some kind of computer disaster, I'm looking at a release date of late spring/early summer. 


Now that the holidays are over and such, it's been time to get back to writing at my house. I've got a few chapters to finish in a dystopian novel I'd like to get out as soon as I can. Then, I can finish writing the last book for the Hope Trilogy, Our Eternal Hope. Good things are coming!

On a bit of a darker note, things have taken a quick turn toward scary in my world as an American citizen married to a Muslim immigrant. In these dark days for my family and friends, I may have found a theme for my blog. Maybe... I've never been that great at focusing, hence the eclectic nature of my writings thus far. I suppose only the future will tell. 

So, please join me this week on my blog to read My View of the Train Wreck. 


April, 2017

Shame, shame, right? I've posted several blogs since I last sent out a newsletter. Come on by and check them out.

I've fallen into a bit of a reading stint lately. Once I realized I was well behind on my reading goal this year, I decided it was high time to catch up. So, in the last month, I've plowed through seventeen physical books and three digital books. I've realized that I need perpetual access, as well as variety, so I've taken to reading multiple books on multiple platforms. I read what I have access to wherever I am, since I can't carry around a paperback at work. The physical books were mostly borrowed and, honestly, mostly kids books. Sort of.

One series of seven books is targeted for tweens, and since I read them all in four days, I'm really counting that one as one. The others are the Lemony Snicket books--A Series of Unfortunate Events. They, too, are borrowed. Once I've finished reading the adventures of the Baudelaire orphans, I'll be sure to write a lengthy review.

Which brings us to the best part of this newsletter! I've finally found a semi-theme for my blog! Two or three times a month, I will post book reviews. The other one or two posts a month will continue to be a variety of things--short stories, rants, memories, and updates on upcoming releases or events. I've begun to schedule my blogs in advance and I aspire to have a blog posted every Wednesday from here on out. 

This also means I will not be sending out a newsletter for each and every blog that gets posted. I will continue to send them out around once a month. If I can get my blogs written far enough ahead, my newsletter may become a preview for the months posts. 

Do you only read the blog when you get a newsletter? Oh, no! This is what you've missed:

Fifty Shades of Fucked Up: a real life story of an impromptu adventure I had on a road trip gone wrong.

Book reviews for great books like-- You Are One of Them by Elliott Holt and A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay.

I've posted an update about the release of Our New Hope, the second installment in the Hope Trilogy. 

Coming soon:

Later this month, I'll be posting a short story about the first time Hope ever laid eyes on her wings, and how her brother had to convince her not to cut them off.

I'll also be posting a book review about Jennifer Government, a novel by Max Barry.



June/July, 2017

No newsletter for May? Yeah... It's been busy around the Samara house. For the time being, I've decided to go with a newsletter every two months. Or less. We'll see how things go...

OUR NEW HOPE will be out next month on July 8th! Are you excited? I know I am! It's been an adventure trying to rush to get everything done, and I know I'm letting much fall by the wayside as far as potential marketing. But, it takes time to get everything worked out, and this is all a learning experience. 

So--blogs! Blogs, blogs, blogs!!

It's the summer of reading

Blogs are now being posted each and every Wednesday. For the duration of the summer, I'll be posting mostly--and perhaps entirely--book reviews. This month, I've got some classics to shove down your throat. (I promise- there won't be a test if you read them.) Not interested? Scroll down through May... I've got some modern stuff in there somewhere. 

As a special treat next month, I'll even be doing a whole week of book reviews while I'm at ThrillerFest. Every day from July 11-15, I'll be posting book reviews of my fellow ITW authors.

On July 11, you can look forward to reading about A FRONT PAGE AFFAIR by Radha Vatsal, with whom I debuted last year at ThrillerFest.

On July 12, you can read about the last of the Sookie Stackhouse books, DEAD EVER AFTER by Charlaine Harris. 

On July 13, I'll be posting a review of THE RISING by Heather Graham and Jon Land.

On the 14th, I'll be posting a review of PERSONAL by Lee Child.

And on the final day of ThrillerFest, I'll be posting a review of DEADLY KISS by Bob Bickford. Bob is actually up for an award this year at ThrillerFest for best debut novel. He's also with the same publishing house as I am, so let's all cheer him on! 



July/August, 2017

Hey, hey, party people! 

Happy summer-is-more-than-half-over! Or something. It's hot, though, amirite? It sure was damn-freaking-hot in New York. I should have led with that one, shouldn't I? Should I have? Have not? Should I not have? Haven't I should? Should've I not? Fuck...I forgot what I was doing. 

Anyway... I'm back from ThrillerFest in NYC!

No, I haven't been drinking. Today. But I did whilst in the New City of York. Or something like that. Want to relive my wild adventures with me? Want to read about the super awesome people I met? How about the cool things I learned? 

Come read my new blog series about the conference! I'll post one every Wednesday until I'm finished.

I start out with traveling there, then one about CraftFest, one about ThrillerFest, and one about the awards banquet. I'll end the series with some fun tourist stuff and my disastrous trip back home.

Not enough cool news? Worry not, my friends, because there is more good news in store for you! 

I got sooooo many books in New York. (I know that sounds more like good news for me, but just wait for it.) Twenty-eight, to be exact--though two books I managed to acquire twice. Oh! Oh! I've got an Easter egg for you! Somewhere--maybe here, maybe there, it could be anywhere--there is a photo of all of the books I got while at ThrillerFest. The first person to email me at with the titles of my two duplicate books will get a matching signed and numbered set of my first two books. For serious. In both instances, I bought a copy, got it signed, then later was given a free copy. Sheesh. Or, if you already have copies of my books, I could send you my extra two books? Yeah. I'd be down for that.

So I'm upping my game. I'm doubling my blog. It's gonna be book review Saturdays from here on out. First up will be "No Middle Name" by Lee Child. The next one will be "Matchup" and if you're not excited, you fucking should be. Like, you should see my face right now. Then you'd know how serious I am at this moment. "Matchup" is major. I mean, it has Temperence Brennen teaming up with Jack Reacher. Get. The. Fuck. Out. 

Seriously, though. Get out. You're going to be late for work. And so am I. 

Oh, yeah. And BUY MY BOOKS if you haven't already. Or leave me a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and/or B&N if you have already bought my books. For sale and on sale on my website! Sale ends soon!

Spring, 2018

Due to such a small amount of time and a small subscription rate, my newsletters will now be quarterly. 

My blogs, on the other hand, are back to being weekly. And bonus--I've got a theme now! Swing by Food & Books to read about my kitchen adventures, with the occasional book review thrown in.

I've also added an events page so you can find out when and where I'll be signing books. Come, join me this summer at ThrillerFest or Show Me Your Books KC. Let's hang out, have a drink, and talk about books, life, and bad movies from the last thirty years that are really just the best. 

Until next time, eat, drink, and be merry. But remember to always cut away from yourself.