It's my book release day!

Are you curious about why Deema was so furious the first time he met Hope?

Want to know why the Hopi Reservation is in Colorado?

Dying to know just why the fuck the government is after them, anyway?

What the hell is the Void? What is an Immutable Blade? Can demons incarnate like the angels can?

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Mark July 8th on your calendars

OUR NEW HOPE is officially set to be released on July 8th, 2017. Only two more months and you can join Hope once again on her journey of self-discovery and in her mission of protecting her people from annihilation. Are you excited? I know I am! Want to know what's going to happen? Check back next week for a synopsis!


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Sprouting Wings: a Hope origin story

The following is a short story that takes place before the events of Our Only Hope. In the novel, Hope already has her wings. But how did she get them? How did she learn that this was a secret that must be kept? Read on to find out.

My brother was being completely unreasonable. All I wanted him to do was help cut off my deformations. But, no! He just kept refusing. We stood in his small, empty dining room, which was nothing more than an open area adjacent to the tiny kitchen. I toed a pealing strip of linoleum on the floor.

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First Sight of Otep

I was standing off to the left side of the stage that was set up in what was normally a parking lot, except that the boundaries of Sandstone Amphitheater would be expanded for Ozzfest, Warped Tour, and other such festivals to make room for third, fourth, or fifth stages. I remember the tent nearby behind me was a man selling hats for dreads and I’d bought one for mine. I watched the stage being set up for the next band. The schedule said OTEP. I’d never heard of them, but that was why I was there—to find new bands to listen to. I saw a petite blonde woman in a red bandana cross the stage. I remember thinking how cool it was that this band had a female roadie. She set out some props and adjusted the mic stand. I assumed it was for sound check, but then the band started to play.

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Possible Delays For OUR NEW HOPE

I am extremely regretful to have to announce that the release of Our New Hope, the second installment in the Hope Trilogy, may not be released in time for ThrillerFest. I should have received my first and second round edits back several months ago. My cover should already be designed. I should already have ARCs out for reviews. I should have a release date in hand, and really, should have had one months ago. But here it is, a mere three months before the conference. I have no ISBN number, no books to sell, pre-sell, or even a cover with which to tease people. 

I don't blame my publisher. I know that shit happens. Sometimes, like in this case, really bad shit happens. The acquisitions editor's daughter fell deathly ill. She was in the ICU for a very long time. I'm relieved to say that she is now on the mend, but it will be a long road to recovery. So now, the main contact at the publishing house for hundreds of authors is out of commission. Her email is on auto-reply that she's out of the office. It was posted on our private message board that she is over 5k emails behind, and that was weeks ago. I have no hope of hearing back from her in a timely manner about Our New Hope. Every other editor is scrambling to take on the excessive workload she carried, as well as do their own jobs. I know I'm not the only author who is in a panic over the delay in their release.

So, I've emailed my main editor from my last book. I have no idea if she is the editor of my current book, but I certainly hope she is. I've got my fingers crossed that I'll hear back from her soon and she'll say she just finished it. And here's some covers for you to peruse. Then I can read it at least seven more times, make some more changes, and send it to formatting. I hope.

In fact, let's all hope. Hope that Our New Hope is here in time for ThrillerFest. Last time, it was only three weeks from "here's your galley copy" to "here's your book for sale." Maybe, just maybe, there's still time to wiggle in for a timely release. 

April 15 UPDATE: I've heard back from my editor. I will not be getting first round edits. She said my novel is polished enough that I'll only need the second round, where they fix any grammar issues and look for inconsistencies. I don't need spelling or punctuation fixed, so that should make it go a bit faster. My book has been slated for a September release, due to delays throughout the company. My editor is going to take my plea to the board to see if they will change my release date and put my book on rush to try to have it out by July. I hope to hear back soon and that I'll have some good news!

April 17 UPDATE: The board of directors agreed to move up my book and have granted me a July 8th release date! It'll be cutting it pretty close, since I'm leaving for NYC and ThrillerFest on the 10th, but I think we can make this happen. I'm so excited!